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Reiki Healing


Classes Coming Soon!

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Powell, TN


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.


11:00 am – 5:00 pm

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Reiki I Class
Date coming


Reiki I Class

Knoxville, TN
10 am - 6 pm.

In-Person Class in Knoxville, TN

Reiki I is the first of three levels of Reiki. No prerequisites are necessary. When you leave the class you will be able to channel Reiki for yourself as well as (nonprofessionally) for your family, friends, pets, environment, plants, medicine, food, herbs 

Learn the basics of Reiki: The history of Reiki, Japanese techniques, hand positions, how to give yourself and others a Reiki session and receive an attunement to Reiki I.

The cost of the class is $200 which includes your manual, attunement, certificate and handouts.  Please register by September 28 with a $75 deposit to reserve your place in class and get your Reiki manual on its way to you for required reading. Seating is limited and fills quickly so register early to assure a seat. Looking forward to beginning your Reiki path with you!

Contact me to register or for questions at or
(865) 659-9672.

New Reiki II Class
Date coming soon!


Reiki II Class
Knoxville, Tennessee

new class date coming soon!!
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

In Reiki II you will learn to send Reiki over any the next room, the next county or the next country! Reiki knows no bounds  Also learn to treat on the emotional level. This can include feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, depression, etc., for yourself and others. You will also learn to treat addictions! I was a cigarette smoker since college days and have been smoke free for over 3 1/2 years thanks to Reiki!

Cost for this class is $200 which includes class, snacks, attunement and certificate. Please reserve your seat with a $75 deposit with the balance due a week before class. Due to the limited number of seats available no seat can be reserved without a deposit. 

Prerequisite: Reiki I class at least 21 days before taking Reiki II class. Please provide a copy of your Reiki I certificate if you are a student who is new to Reiki Balance N Bliss.

To register send an email to: or call Sandy at (865) 659-9672.

3-Day Usui/Holy Fire Master Class
Dates coming soon for 2025!

Coming soon!
3-Day Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master Class

Advanced Reiki Techniques Classes
coming soon!

Advanced Reiki Techniques Class

Knoxville, TN

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

This very fun, energy enhancing one-day class is an in-person class in Knoxville, TN

The Master class is divided into two separate classes. The Advanced Reiki Techniques (ART) class is the first part of the Master class. The ART class is a pre-requisite for the second part of Reiki III, the 3-day Usui/Holy Fire Master/Teacher class.

Prerequisites are Reiki I and Reiki II and required practice sessions completed before class. If you're new to Reiki Balance N Bliss, please be able to provide certification for levels I and II.

You will receive the Master symbol in this class! The Master symbol is very powerful and will enhance your healing sessions as well as make them last longer. We will be making a crystal Reiki grid and will talk about the use of crystals with Reiki. You will also learn advanced Reiki techniques for use on yourself and your clients.

Cost of the class is $250 which includes your manual, attunement and certificate. You will receive a Master manual and a list of supplies to bring for your crystal Reiki grid when you reserve your seat with a $100 deposit.  Please register with your deposit by October 29. Due to the limited number of seats for this class, only seats reserved with a deposit can be held.

You may contact me at or call Sandy at (865) 659-9672.

Available At All Times and Over any Distance  Lightarian™ Reiki Master/Teacher 

3-Day Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Class
Knoxville, Tennessee

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. each day
(All three days required for certification)


Become a Reiki Master!

The Master/Teacher class is the second part of Reiki level III. You will be a Reiki Master Practitioner after this class and will become a Reiki Master/Teacher after you teach one other person Reiki!

In this 3-day Holy Fire class you will learn how to channel attunements for all three levels of Reiki and how to do a Healing Attunement. We will also discuss how to develop your own Reiki practice. The class will run from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Friday, October 13 through Sunday, October 15.  Attendance all three days is required for certification.

This class is for you whether you are interested in teaching Reiki or if you would like to complete all levels of Reiki training to increase your vibration and learn advanced techniques for your use on yourself and your family and friends.

Prerequisites: You must have completed Reiki I, II and the first part of Reiki III (Advanced Reiki Training) in an in-person class and be able to provide your certificate from a qualified Reiki Master Teacher. I require some prerequisite Reiki sessions to be completed before acceptance into class and will provide them to the student upon enrollment. New students will also be requested to attend a Reiki share with me.

Cost of the class is $550 and includes the 3-day training, three Holy Fire ignitions, certification and manual. I am accepting a maximum of six students for this class. Please reserve your seat with a $100 deposit as soon as possible.

You may contact me at or (865) 659-9672. Looking forward to working with you!




(865) 659-9672


Coming soon!

In Person in Knoxville, Tennessee

Three-Day Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master Class offered to Usui-Based Reiki Masters

I am delighted to offer this wonderful Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master class to Usui Reiki Master Teachers of all lineages. After this class you will be a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master and qualified to teach both Usui/Holy Fire and Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®. You will also receive instructions on how to register with the International Center for Reiki Training as a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master.

The class is in-person in Knoxville, TN. It is three days filled with information and transformation. You will receive powerful meditations for heart healing and spiritual nourishment as well as a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® ignition each day. You will learn eight Karuna Reiki® symbols, how to draw and activate their energies and practice giving a treatment using them.

The total cost for this class is $550 which includes your manual, handouts, certificate and three Holy Fire ignitions. Space is limited to six students. Students will be accepted on a first-registered basis. Please register with a $100 deposit.  Student must attend all three days for certification. Due to small class size seats can only be reserved with a deposit.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at
or call Sandy Pullin (865) 659-9672.


May be Received over any Distance! Ongoing attunements for Usui-Based Reiki Masters and Karuna Reiki Masters

The Lightarian™ Reiki Master/Teacher certification is designed to complete over distance and is an ongoing offer, so you don't need to wait for a class. I will work with you one-on-one, over distance to complete the program. I am an independent representative for the Lightarian Institute (as you will be also after you become a Lightarian Reiki Master) and am under their guidance and use their material for my students.  The Lightarian Institute website goes into detail explaining exactly what Lightarian Reiki is, but basically the attunements very gradually and subtly increase your vibration so that you channel stronger and longer lasting sessions for your clients.  The Lightarian attunements are also incredibly healing to the student as well.  I'm including The Lightarian Institute website for additional information, but if you'd like to work with me, please register with me so I can take care of everything for you.  
Lightarian™ Reiki is used for both distance and in-person sessions just as you would use Usui or Karuna Reiki.  There are no symbols to learn in Lightarian Reiki. You practice it as you are accustomed to practicing Reiki, but with a much higher vibration that enables the practitioner to complete the session in less time as well as the effects lasting longer after the treatment.

The emanuals are very straightforward, interesting and easy to read. The attunement process is performed via distance, but can be done in person. The person who passed the attunements to me lives in Scotland and I live in Knoxville, TN.  I've worked with people all over the U.S., in Mexico, Scotland, Finland and Canada.

The attunements are done at least 30 days apart and are pay as you go. Payments are made to me through my Paypal account.  When you let me know that you are ready for the next level, I would email each emanual to you to read before your attunement. After you read the material we would set up a time that would work for each of us and you would be in meditation while I pass the attunement to you. You would need to set aside about an hour where you could meditate without interruption while I pass the attunement to you via distance. The attunement itself only takes about 20 minutes, but you'll want time to get into meditation before it begins and also a little time afterwards to enjoy the wonderful feelings that come with the attunement.

On receiving the Level V&VI attunements you become a Lightarian™ Reiki Master and can initiate your own students!  I would send your certification to you in the mail and register you with the Lightarian Institute so that you can order manuals from them and attune your own students.

If you were already a Karuna Reiki Master we would go straight to the Level I & II attunement. If you are a Usui Reiki Master and haven't had Karuna then we would do the Buddhic Boost attunement first which creates a bridge from the Usui energy level to Lightarian level.

All costs listed are in USD and are subject to the exchange rate for out of country clients.  

If you are a Reki Master (no Karuna) The Buddhic Boost is purchased as part of a package with Levels I & II.  This is two attunements:  the boost and the attunement for Levels I & II (there’s only one attunement for levels I & II) and the cost is  $174.

If you are a Karuna Master we can bypass the bridge attunement and begin with Levels I & II and the cost is $124.

There are three other levels after I & II to become a Lightarian Reiki Master.  Levels III, IV, V&VI (V & VI are also combined into one attunement).  Each of these levels is $108.

I think you will absolutely Love Lightarian Reiki. I completed my attunements in August 2014 and feel like the benefits continue to expand.  It's one of the best things I've done for myself besides learning Usui Reiki :) I'm happy to answer your questions or to enroll you in the Lightarian™ Reiki Master program.

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